Fordyce spots Removal

Fordyce spots are visible ectopic enlarged sebaceous glands without hair follicles. Fordyce spots, also called Fordyce granules or Fordyce glands, were first described by John Fordyce, a well-known dermatologist, in 1896.

Fordyce spots are small (1-3 mm), painless, raised, pale, yellowish or white spots or bumps that commonly form on the body. They are more visible when the skin is stretched.

Fordyce spots are benign and are not skin cancer and do not turn into skin cancer and are not contagious. Fordyce spots can resemble a number of other skin conditions, such as sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, syringoma and molluscum contagiosum.

Fordyce spots are seen most often on these areas:

  • Lips and inner mouth
  • Male genitalia, especially around the shaft and testicles
  • Female genitalia, especially around the labia
  • Areolae of the breasts

If you are bothered by the appearance of fordyce spots on your lips, you may want to consider getting them removed at LiLyDermis medispa in Calgary. To learn more about fordyce spot removal, schedule your free consultation today. Give us a call at 587-231-9901 or book online.

Treatment of Fordyce spots:

Treatment of Fordyce spots may not be required as they are typically benign and harmless. However, certain individuals choose to have them removed due to cosmetic concerns.

Electro-cauterization and Thermo-coagulation: These techniques work with radio-frequency current to destroy and vaporize Fordyce spots.

Laser treatments, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) laser and pulsed dye laser may also effectively remove Fordyce spots.

Medical treatments such as topical tretinoin and/or oral isotretinoin may be used to shrink or remove Fordyce spots.

Cryotherapy freezes the spots, causing them to fall off within days.

Topical acids:
Applying some drops of TCA to spots makes them fall off after a few days.

It is important to avoid picking or squeezing them, as these actions can lead to irritation and possible infection and scarring.

After treatment:

Recovery typically takes close to a week. The scabs will fall off by themselves. During the recovery period, you may experience some mild discomfort. You can return to day to day activities immediately following your treatment. You will receive all the necessary information after the treatment.